24 December 2006

Very late Christmas Present idea

Seth gives some gift tips...

If you have only 3 shopping hours left and are feeling incrasingly desperate...

This won't help you!

But if you are looking for a present for someone for next year, I can thoroughly recommend Martial Law 9/11: The Rise of the Police State, from the Infowars site.

It's largely based around footage of Infowars supremo Alex Jones talking to demonstrators, cops and members of the public and getting arrested for doing nothing whatsoever at the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City. The bit where he has an argument with two revolutionary communists is absolutely brilliant - even if you don't like the politics (of either side?) you'll dig it as sitcom.

Alex Jones's more recent DVD, Terrorstorm, is almost as good, although he comes a bit unstuck when he visits London to investigate the 7/7 bombings and the Jean Charles de Menezes shooting - this part of the DVD is replete with basic factual errors which could have been sorted in 10 minutes if Infowars had had assistance from a native London resident. The American part of the DVD is in general much better.

There is also an interesting documentary on Boxing Day on five at 11pm called "Was David Icke right all along"? or something like that, which looks at Icke's recent career and asks: visionary or fruitcake? Hopefully this will update Jon Ronson's classic 2001 Ickeumentary "The Secret Rulers of the World", available in print as Them: Adventures With Extremists and also featuring Alex Jones (but sadly not Aled Jones, of 'Walking in The Air' fame. But maybe he's a conspiracy theorist as well?)

Anyway have a great Xmas and I will try to get a couple of posts in before new year - no excuses really as I'm not at work and will probably just be drinking heavily and falling about.

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